How to send automatic replies on WhatsApp

How to send automatic replies on WhatsApp

It is undeniable that WhatsApp is an app that is widely uploaded by Netizen around the world. In fact, WhatsApp has become a medium for business.

Sometimes, customers often ask the same and common questions. It would be a constraint, if the company is under shortage in Customer service for example.

To make it easier for users of this app, it is recommended to send automatic replies to customers. How?

How to send automatic replies on WhatsApp

Follow these ways

The first step is a third-party app called AutoResponder for WhatsApp on the Google Play Store.

Next, open the app and allow the app to access your smartphone.

Then, enable the service  "ChatBotLite " with the click on/Off button. Then, turn on the accessibility service for "ChatBotLite " on the next screen.

Next step

Step four, set a new rule to your liking, by going to  "RULES ". These rules include:

1. Auto reply only to contacts, group or both.

2. Limit your response to the time you want.

3. Only respond to specific contacts.

4. Ignore any contacts for automatic replies.

Last steps

The final step, set the message text received and the text of the message to be sent. Next, click  "ADD ".

Once you've set the rule, incoming chats on WhatsApp will automatically get a reply without opening the app.