How to Make a Whatsapp Sticker, Create a Curious

How to Make a Whatsapp Sticker, Create a Curious

The use of WhatsApp stickers is more prevalent in conversations in the Instant messaging service. But you can not yet know how to make a WhatsApp sticker.

There are now many secure third-party apps that you can use to create your own stickers on WhatsApp. I've used one of the apps, Sticker maker on Android.

All you need to do is just download the app, run it, then choose "Create a New Stickerpack " To start making WhatsApp stickers. After that you need to fill in the name and the sticker creator, then choose a photo from the one in your phone's gallery or take a new one using the camera.

How to Make a Whatsapp Sticker, Create a Curious

After the photo is selected, you can edit it by cutting. If you've finished your stay just save the WhatsApp sticker. Next, repeat the same way to create another sticker. If you have, the stickers will be collected on the  "one pack" you need to publish by selecting the Publish Sticker Pack option. After that, the sticker is ready to use.

This way, of course you'll know how to make your own photo stickers on WhatsApp because you can choose your photos to make this WhatsApp sticker.

Lazy Make yourself alias just want to know how to install WhatsApp sticker from an existing option? That's easy for you to do from the WhatsApp sticker section of the app, starting from tapping the + sign under the microphone and adding from the existing stock. Here you'll also have the "Get more stickers " option that will take you to the Play Store to choose other options.